Below are links to a few manuscripts. Select one of these or work on one of your own choosing.
This project uses a schema, which makes sure the XML document is well-structured. Your Oxygen editor automatically knows this information. The Oxygen editor will show you a green box towards the top-right of the editor if the file is valid or a red box if the file is invalid. As you are encoding, validate often to catch errors before they escalate.
To validate and XML/TEI file already open in the Oxygen editor:
If the file is valid, you will see:
If the file is invalid, you will see:
Click on each error message to position the cursor near the error (often the error is somewhere before the cursor, often a line or more of code above) If the error message is cut off, right-click on the error message and select "Show message" Once you fix the errors, re-validate the document.
Use the Oxygen supplied preview stylesheet for your manuscript encoding, but keep in mind that the preview may not render perfectly.
Now that you have set the XHTML transformation scenario for a preview of the encoding as it may appear on the Web, you can initiate a transformation from the toolbar: