Catapult/Scholar’s Commons TEI Workshop II

John Walsh, Department of Information and Library Science, School of Informatics and Computing

Michelle Dalmau, Digital Collection Services, IU Libraries


<teiHeader> Examples

teiHeader required elements

additions and deletions (<add> and <del>)

A simple deletion and addition

Swinburnes “Rondel.” Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse University.
Swinburne’s “Rondel.” Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse University.

A simple deletion and addition

Swinburnes “A Rondel.” Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse University.
Swinburne’s “A Rondel.” Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse University.

A simple deletion and addition

Swinburnes “A Rondel.” Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse University.
Swinburne’s “A Rondel.” Special Collections Research Center. Syracuse University.

Code example, a simple deletion and addition

Code example, lines from Swinburnes “A Rondel”
Code example, lines from Swinburne’s “A Rondel”

<add> details

Other transcription elements: <gap>


Other transcription elements: <supplied>


Other transcription elements: <damage>

Code example: <damage>
Code example: <damage>

Other transcription elements: <unclear>


“choices”: <choice> and related elements

The title page of the 1598 edition of Loves Labours Lost
The title page of the 1598 edition of Love’s Labour’s Lost

Code example: <choice>, <orig>, <reg>

Code example
Code example

“choices”: <choice> and related elements

Code example: <choice>, <abbr>, <expan>

Code example: <choice>, <abbr>, <expan>
Code example: <choice>, <abbr>, <expan>

Code example: <choice>, <sic>, <corr>

Code example: <choice>, <sic>, <corr>
Code example: <choice>, <sic>, <corr>

names and dates: <persName>

Code examples: <persName>
Code examples: <persName>

names and dates: placeName & <geogName>

Code examples: <placeName> & <geogName>

names and dates: <orgName>

Code examples: <orgName>
Code examples: <orgName>


Notes: <note>

Notes: <note>

Code examples: <note>

linking: <ref> and <ptr>

<a href="">The TEI Consortium</a>  
<a href=""></a>  
<ref target="">The TEI Consortium</ref>  
<ptr target=""/>

images: <figure>

Illustrated essay, encoded in TEI
Illustrated essay, encoded in TEI

Code example: <figure> (simple)

Simple figure encoding
Simple figure encoding

Code example: <figure>

Simple figure encoding
Simple figure encoding

Bibliographic Elements: <bibl> & <biblStruct>

Bibliographic Elements: <bibl>

Code example: <bibl>
Code example: <bibl>

Bibliographic Elements: <bibl>

Code example: <bibl>
Code example: <bibl>

Bibliographic Elements: <biblStruct>

Code example: <biblStruct>
Code example: <biblStruct>


<rendition>, @rendition, and @style

CSS Resources

Define styles with CSS in <rendition> elements in the <teiHeader>

Code example: declaring <rendition> styles with CSS
Code example: declaring <rendition> styles with CSS

In your document (i.e., in <text>), point to <rendition> styles with the @rendition attribute

Code example: pointing to <rendition> styles with @rendition
Code example: pointing to <rendition> styles with @rendition

Embed CSS code in the @style attribute

Code example: embedding CSS in TEIs @style attribute
Code example: embedding CSS in TEI’s @style attribute


is a TEI schema generation tool, that allows TEI users to create XML schemas from a selection of TEI modules. Roma also allows customization of the TEI schema.

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